Confidence Level and Confidence Interval

Being confident make one's self more reassured. Briefly, explanations below are for two sided confidence levels/intervals in order to simplify the idea. Saying " two sided " gives initial impression that there is something like two limits, yeah they are: upper and lower limits where the confidence interval lies in between. Example: Let's look at the population of a specific mobile phone model. Suppose we are now interested in the ' weight ' property. We found that weight property follows a normal distribution with mean value of 120 grams and a standard deviation of 1.4 grams. Weight ~ Normal (Mu, Sigma) = Normal (120, 1.4) This understanding means that majority of mobiles tested will weigh very closely to 120 grams. Yes, there should be fluctuations above and below the mean value but surely that still relatively close to mean value. Suppose a question: do you expect weights like: 121, 119.5, 122.1, 118.9? Answer: Yes , I surely expect such ...